Accepted Insurances
Elevated Counseling and Wellness is an in-network provider that accepts the following insurance companies:
Insurance companies have networks of preferred providers and we are credentialed on all the ones listed above. If you see one of our therapists within one of the networks your insurance is likely to cover a significant portion of the cost, leaving you with a lower out-of-pocket expense. Many of our clients have zero copay and no deductible for their mental health.
We complete a verification of benefits upon our call with us to determine your costs so you know before your visit. We feel strongly that informed consent is part of the intake process. Informed consent is a process through which a patient voluntarily agrees to and is informed of the terms of treatment including the costs. It is a fundamental principle in healthcare and medical ethics, ensuring that clients make knowledgeable decisions about their care.
You can always call our offices at 435.301.6865 with any questions or to be verified regarding your benefits.
We take care of all insurance billing. Once you provide us with your insurance information, we verify your benefits by calling and getting the terms of your plan and confirm you can work our practice and what your costs will be for sessions you participate in.
It's important to note that individual counseling is a collaborative process between the you and your therapist, we are happy to answer questions at any point during the therapy process about insurance or billing at 435-301-6865.
Submit your request and we will contact you shortly.
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